Child Therapy

"Late Bloomer"

When I first read this poem by Danielle Doby I immediately cried. The words felt like home…it put a voice to something that I had felt inside me for so long but could not name.
I used to hold a lot of shame around the part of me that felt like a “late bloomer”. Now I feel so much gratitude for the meandering path my heart has taken to create this sweet little life that is beginning holding all of me.
-Christy Lochary

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New scientific study on spanking… are we asking the right questions?

A few years ago I would have immediately lept onto my high horse after reading this article about the new ground-breaking scientific study on spanking, which states that five decades of research on children that were spanked shows spanking in fact doesn’t improve behavior or have positive long-term impact on a child’s life.   A…

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Let’s Play

While I was searching for answers outside myself you came to me With just a little knock and a sweet connecting of eyes Yes, hello heart I am right here and so are you Let’s play even if its for a small moment

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The rain drops fell and she wanted to rest. Rest in the warmth of her own precious heart, and everything went on around her.

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Here I am again

Here I am again. Do I give myself up for other? Do I stay with myself, my experience? I want to want me. I can feel it in my core. Solid and warm. Right there. When I stop and breathe, there she is. Tiny and wild, naked with mud on her belly and feathers in…

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